Selected Publications
Dustin Garner*, Emil Kind*, Jennifer Yuet Ha Lai*, Aljoscha Nern, Arthur Zao, Lucy Houghton, Gizem Sancer, Tanya Wolff, Gerald M. Rubin, Mathias F Wernet+ and Sung Soo Kim+ (2024) “Connectomic reconstruction predicts visual features used for navigation”. Nature 634:181-190, *co-first authors, +corresponding authors, fulltext, code (See below for the corrected eye map.)
Arye Matsliah, Szi-chieh Yu, Krzysztof Kruk, Doug Bland, Austin Burke, Jay Gager, James Hebditch, Ben Silverman, Kyle Willie, Ryan Willie, Marissa Sorek, Amy R. Sterling, Emil Kind, Dustin Garner, Gizem Sancer, Mathias Wernet, Sung Soo Kim, Mala Murthy, Hyunjune Sebastian Seung and FlyWire Consortium (2024) "Neuronal parts list and wiring diagram for a visual system", Nature 634:166-180, fulltext
Sung Soo Kim (2021) "Plasticity between visual input pathways and the head direction system", Current Opinion in Neurobiology 71:60-68, fulltext
Sung Soo Kim+, Ann M. Hermundstad, Sandro Romani, L. F. Abbott, Vivek Jayaraman+ (2019) "Generation of stable heading representations in diverse visual scenes”, Nature 576:126-131, +corresponding authors, fulltext, data_set
Sung Soo Kim*, Hervé Rouault*, Shaul Druckmann, Vivek Jayaraman (2017) “Ring attractor dynamics in the Drosophila central brain”, Science 356:849-853, *co-first authors, fulltext, data_set
Nathan C. Klapoetke, Yasunobu Murata, Sung Soo Kim, Stefan R. Pulver, Amanda Birdsey-Benson, Yong Ku Cho, Tania K. Morimoto, Amy S. Chuong, Eric J. Carpenter, Zhijian Tian, Jun Wang, Yinlong Xie, Zhixiang Yan, Yong Zhang, Brian Y. Chow, Barbara Surek, Michael Melkonian, Vivek Jayaraman, Martha Constantine-Paton, Gane Ka-Shu Wong, Edward S. Boyden (2014) “Independent optical excitation of distinct neural populations”, Nature methods 11(3):338-346, *Primary contributor on fly work, fulltext
Sung Soo Kim+, Manuel Gomez-Ramirez+, Pramodsingh H. Thakur and Steven S. Hsiao (2015) "Multimodal Interactions between Proprioceptive and Cutaneous Signals in Primary Somatosensory Cortex", Neuron 86:555–566, +corresponding authors, fulltext (ScienceDirectLink)
Sung Soo Kim, Arun P. Sripati and Sliman J. Bensmaia (2010) "Predicting the timing of spikes evoked by tactile stimulation of the hand", J Neurophysiol 104:1484-96, fulltext
Drosophila eye map
The eye map in Garner, Kind, Lai et al. 2024 has a coordinate error in one hemisphere. The corrected eye map can be downloaded here.